First, it supports several recording modes, including full-screen and customized modes. It’s simple, smooth, and packs excellent screen capture features. Wondershare UniConverter is undoubtedly the best screen recorder on this list. So, to save you time, this list contains eight excellent apps to record computer screens with annotations effortlessly.

Finding the best screencast tool requires you to dig even deeper, which we all know can be time-consuming. That’s because most of these apps don’t offer value for their subscription plans. Check in gInk to make sure your translation shows correctly, and then you can make a pull request to merge your translation to the next version of release for others to use.Many people are still searching for the best recording annotation tools for Mac/Win despite the plethora of options online. Simply create a duplication of the file "en-us.txt" in "bin/lang" folder, rename it and then translate the strings in the file. Here is how you can contribute translation. You could check whether the fork project meets your needs if you want these features. The good news is that someone else (pubpub-zz) is actively working on a project ppInk which is based on gInk, adding many more functions to it including drawing lines, arrows, squared, texts etc. I indeed wish to add these features, but currently I haven't found a way to implement them while keeping the UI simple, which I weight more. Many have asked for features to draw lines, arrows, squares, texts etc.There are a few hidden options you can tweak in config.ini that are not shown in the options window.

(do this only for gInk version v1.1.0 and after)
On screen annotation in windows windows 10#
If you use gInk on a computer with multiple displays of unmatched DPI settings, or you encounter problems such as incorrect snapshot area, being unable to drag toolbar to locations etc., please do the following as a workaround (in Windows 10 version 1903 as an example): right-click gInk.exe, Properties, Compatibility, Change high DPI settings, Enable override high DPI scaling behavior scaling performed by: Application.

On screen annotation in windows software#
The features are greatly inspired by another screen annotation software Epic Pen, but even more easy to use. GInk is an on-screen annotation software under Windows, used to help improving my presentations and demonstrations, and to help working on temperary thoughts which need to be noted beside something on the screen.