What is coming out november 11 2015
What is coming out november 11 2015

what is coming out november 11 2015

  • The Elf Time-Out – Chuckie was so naughty last year taking bubble baths with Snow White, and eating all of our cookies, that Santa put him in time out indefinitely.
  • what is coming out november 11 2015

    Hooray for Chuckie! So while he can’t fly and visit us anymore, he’s still sending in reports to Santa. The Positive Praise Story – Chuckie was such a good little Elf that Santa promoted him and he’s now in charge of all the other elves.You may not agree with them, and before you send hate mail, please consider these are just suggestions of different tactics parents may employ if they too want to exterminate this tradition. So I began to ponder ways to rid our house of the creepy little Elf forever, and I think we’ve come up with five different ways to off the Elf on the Shelf. It’s bad enough we’ve lied about the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Santa Clause, but a magical flying Elf too? Enough is enough! This week our five year old asked me about Chuckie coming after Thanksgiving, and I inwardly groaned thinking…’do I really have to keep up this charade for at least five more years?’ They keep misbehaving, we don’t appropriately discipline, therefore they are spoiled rotten. I was going to blame Chuckie for not doing his job, but really it’s our fault.


    Plus the kids weren’t behaving any better with the Elf leering in the distance. Last year though as Christmas drew near, it seemed like we all grew tired of the Elf named Chuckie (don’t ask) and all of his ridiculous mischief. The first year we did it, our three year old was super excited, but our baby was cognitively clueless. What a great idea of another way to bribe your children to behave an entire month before the holidays! I mean the threat of Santa watching never worked, so why not create another good behavior extortionist? I was lost in the pageantry of the Elf, it was so much fun coming up with different places for him to land every morning. We all were captivated by the story of the magical Elf on the Shelf.

    What is coming out november 11 2015